Born @ 27 weeks
2lbs 7oz

Saturday, January 28, 2012

RSV. Really?

As I mentioned in my last post, this week marks one year since we entered the hospital and the wild ride we have been on this last year. A few months ago, I learned about the annual women's church retreat at our church. When I realized it fell during the anniversary of such a significant (and emotional) time for us, I thought what a better way to spend it - deep in reflection, fellowship, appreciation and prayer.

The annual retreat is at a camp in the NC mountains. I was so excited packing yesterday - hiking shoes & ear buds (hoping for a pre-breakfast, solo hike). Check. Yoga mat. Bible. Money for a painting class. Check. I have been looking so forward to reconnecting and 'filling up' my spiritual tank!! I have been excited, too, for the boys to have their Dad all to themselves for the weekend - good for all three of them.

Bags packed. Michael briefed. The bus leaves at 2pm!! One last stop, Shaw and the Pediatrician for this pesky cough Shaw can't seem to shake.

From 11:30am-2pm, our Pediatrician and I waited and watched Shaw. His sats (oxygenation) dropped from 95 - 92 even after breathing treatments. Our doctor REALLY didn't want to send us to the hospital. She gave Shaw every chance to show signs that he was improving.

Finally, she gave us our strict orders. "Go home. Pick up your packed suitcase and head directly to the hospital." (Add insult to injury, I had to pass the retreat bus loading en route home from the dr). :(

The doctors here have been - helpful. For some reason, we are still waiting for results on whether or not Shaw has RSV. The doctor says it looks/sounds like it. If not, it is still an acute respiratory illness, where Shaw is holding his breath (ie -apnec) and having difficulty breathing.

The good news, Shaw receives monthly shots to prevent lung disease caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Of course, only a few lucky little ones still get RSV with these shots, but those that do get it have a much shorter/easier course due to the synagis.

The other good news is the doctors rounded this morning and agreed Shaw can go home later today. They will send us home on a monitor (welcome back you beast!) and we will monitor him closely until the virus subsides. (would you believe we JUST got off the monitor in December and they finally called YESTERDAY to pick it up? Ah - timing).

So no mountain strolls or long dates with Jesus this weekend. Instead, just snuggling with my little one in his hospital bed - exactly where I am supposed to be!!

#1- Photos of Nash desperately missing his brother, while we are away.

#2 - Photo of sweet baby Shaw in his hospital crib.

1 comment:

Lucia Dawkins said...

shaw! don't get rsv- lucia just got tested b/c of a cough and apnea epsisiodes..but the pulm said it was just another virus- but she destated about 30x in 3 hours- weird! and scary. I'm sorry you missed your weekend away. thinking of you guys and your boys look so sweet! love, dawkins