Born @ 27 weeks
2lbs 7oz

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Adrenaline Relief & Career Moves

Father's Day was a tremendous success! All three boys were lured to a day of 'being boys'. Bumper boast, go karts, skeeball and our first venture at putt-putt (which took us 15 minutes to clear 18 holes, since the boys were so fascinated to see what the next hole looked like).

This nearly gave me a heart attack.

Personally, my favorite part of the day were the cards the boys made for their Daddy. Both were very explicit about what they wanted me to include in each card:

"Dear Daddy, God, make sure Daddy makes it home safely. I love you because I hug and kiss you. Daddy likes to play with me. He builds fire stations." - Love, Nash

From Shaw; "I love Daddy. I miss Daddy. Happy Birthday. Happy Father's Day."  (the small writing you can't read is my disclaimer that we all know it's not his birthday, but Shaw insisted we include it).

This week, while Shaw and Mommy have been focused on intensive AMB therapy (3 days, 2x a day, 2hrs in the car)  Sigh.

Nash made tremendous career moves (at the ripe age of 3).

Nash joins his parents and grandparents as a 3rd generation salesman. This is Nash as he joined his BeBo for his first sales call:

Nash & BeBo with Hearth & Patio
Apparently, he was warmly welcomed and treated to ice cream immediately following. (I told him he should have asked for a raise... or a scooter).

1 comment:

Lucia Dawkins said...

hey c, did you notice any big changes after the intensive abm? keep me posted! we are going to give hippotherapy a try soon and i'm super excited! juliet